AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT (ATM) → Air Traffic Management ( ATM) in Person


ICAO054: (RADAR) Approach course - 7 WEEKS


Course aim

The course is designed to impart knowledge and skills to student air traffic controller in order to enable them to receive an student certificate of competency for ICAO Approach Control with Surveillance equipment (Radar).

Course objectives

After completion of the course, the ATC student will have:

Have knowledge, skills and understanding in accordance with the course content outlined briefly below (see Content in brief).

Have the skills to manage traffic safely and in accordance with the rules and regulations.

Be able to provide an orderly and expeditious radar service in an approach and terminal control area with a workload of up to 25-28 movements per hour.

Show a good ability to work in a team.

Course overview

The training is divided into two phases. Theoretical events will be followed by practical applications in a simulator.

.Theoretical subjects followed by hands-on simulation practise

Describe rules and methods for:

- Radar vectoring, sequencing, separations, phraseology, strip marking and co-ordinations used in an approach service
- Handling military flights
- Handling VFR flights
- Change of runway
- Using only primary radar
- Handling of transponder failure, communication failure, ACAS, special weather phenomena, LVP, etc
- Traffic with priority needs
- Holding procedures

Describe different approach methods e.g. ILS, NDB, VA.

Describe methods for working in approach control.

Describe procedures used following an incident/accident and show how to fill in a report.

Individual radar exercises

Apply methods and handle arriving, departing and overflying traffic in a correct, safe and orderly way.

Apply correct methods for the efficient sequencing of traffic.

Apply correct co-operation methods.

Show an understanding of methods used when handling a variety of special occurrences.


Student must pass final examinations by at least 70%

Empty course

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Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever